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Ясли-сад №00
Article 2

Far, far behind verbal mountains in the country of vowels and consonants live fish texts. Far from everyone, they live in literal houses on the banks of the Semantics of the great linguistic ocean. The small stream Dal gurgles all over the country and provides it with all the necessary rules.

This is a paradigmatic country in which fried sentence members fly right into your mouth. Even almighty punctuation has no power over fishy texts leading an unspelled lifestyle. One day, one small line of fishy text called Lorem ipsum decided to enter the big world of grammar.

The Great Oxmox warned her about evil commas, wild question marks, and tricky semicolons, but the text didn't let herself be confused. He collected his seven capital letters, girded the initial in his belt, and set off on the road.

Climbing the first peak of the italic mountains, he cast a last glance back at the skyline of his native town of Bukvograd, at the heading of the village of Alfavit, and at the subheading of his lane, Strochka. A sad rhetorical question rolled down his cheek and he continued on his way. On the way I met the text of the manuscript. She warned him: “In my country, everything is rewritten several times. The only thing left of me is the prefix "and". You better go back to your safe country." Not listening to the manuscript, our text continued on its way. Soon he met an insidious compiler.

Author: lexinzector
Added: 29.08.2023 в 20:55
Views: 51